Election Judges must meet Minnesota state requirements:
- Must be a United States citizen
- Must be an eligible voter in the State of Minnesota
- Must be able to read, write and speak English
- Must not be the spouse, parent, stepparent, child, stepchild, sibling or stepsibling of any election judge serving in the same precinct or of any candidate at that election
- Must not be domiciled, either permanently or temporarily, with any candidate on the ballot at that election
- Must not be a candidate at that election
I am a United States citizen.
I am a resident of Hennepin County or one of the following counties – Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Ramsey, Scott, Sherburne, Wright.
I will be 16 years of age or older on the day of the election.
I will complete a 3-hour training course.
I am in good academic standing.
I am able to read, write and speak English.
I have permission from my parents and my high school.
I am not the spouse, parent, stepparent, child, stepchild, sibling or stepsibling of any election judge serving in the same precinct or of any candidate at that election.
I am not either permanently or temporarily living with any candidate on the ballot for an election in which I will be serving as an election judge.

You must check all requirements above.
Election Judges must meet Minneapolis requirements:
- Strong understanding of and commitment to nonpartisanship
- Communicate clearly with voters
- Enjoy assisting and serving diverse populations
- Be available to work long hours
- Handle stressful situations calmly and professionally
- Demonstrate attention to detail
- Work as a team member and follow directions
- Comfortable using computers
Political Party Balance Requirement
Due to major political party balance requirements (Minn. Stat. § 204B.19, Subd. 5), no more than half of the election judges in a precinct may be members of the same political party. MN law defines "member" as an individual who:
- Supports the general principles of that party’s constitution
- Voted for the majority of that party’s candidates in the last General Election OR
- Intends to vote for a majority of that party’s candidates in the next General Election.
Political Party Preference
If you do not indicate a political party, the opportunities for you to serve as election judge may be limited.
Special consideration will be given to applicants who can serve for a full day and are willing to serve in any precinct.
Location Preference*
Work Hours*
How did you hear about this opportunity?*

Required Field
Notice to all applicants: In accordance with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minn. Stat. § 13.04, subd. 2), we must inform you of your rights as a subject of data. The purposes and intended use of the requested data is to identify you and assist in determining your suitability as a Minneapolis Election Judge. You are not legally required to supply the requested data. However, if you refuse to supply the requested information, your Election Judge application will not be considered. If you do provide the data, your application will be considered, and if you are employed, the data you have supplied will become part of your Election Judge record. Any information you provide as an applicant or as an Election Judge during your service with the City of Minneapolis, may be used by the City for a variety of purposes under human resources rules or as required by law. This includes, but is not limited to, performance appraisals and discipline.
Minnesota law classifies the data we collect about you as either public or private. "Public" means that it is available to anyone who asks to see it. "Private" means that the data is only available to the person the information is about and to staff who must see it in the normal course of conducting City of Minneapolis business, and as otherwise provided for by law. Data collected on, or in response to, this application that is classified as "private" may be shared with City Personal who determine your suitability for the position of Election Judge. It may be shared with organizations at your request. It may also be shared as required by current or future laws.
The following data that the City of Minneapolis collects from you on the Election Judge Application is "public": job history, education and training, and work ability. Your name is considered private until you are selected as an Election Judge.
If you have questions regarding your rights as a subject of data, have concerns about submitting your application over the Internet, or would like to receive a paper application, please contact Minneapolis Elections & Voter Services, 980 E Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55414-1314, Phone: (612) 673-3870, Fax: (612) 673-2756.
* Verification Code: type the number shown in the box below